Released 0.13.12

This is a small patch that fixes a couple of rare crashes and small memory leaks. Thank you very much to everyone on the Discord that has helped to find these :)


  • Slightly improved performance of simulations that modify entities (such as buildings, items, and explorers)
  • Explorers will now walk up to doors to open them, rather than sometimes opening them from a distance
  • Fixed a bug where light levels were incorrectly calculated for cells two or three tiles away from a light source
  • Background buildings such as wires and pipes can no longer be built if they are suddenly covered by a solid element

Quality of life

  • Further improvements to object selection: when on an overlay layer, any relevant buildings will now have a higher selection priority (e.g. selecting wires when the power overlay is visible)


  • Hovering over the world clock now displays the "time of day" in the game world, rounded down to 15 minute intervals (e.g. 12:45)
  • A new world starts day 1.0 at 12:00pm
  • Wire bridges can no longer be built on top of other buildings' power points
  • Renamed "Materials" to "Elements"
  • Split "powered" building tag into "generates power" and "consumes power" in the in-game database
  • Re-ordered each build panel building category, so common buildings such as wires and pipes are always at the top


  • Fixed a crash when trying to render buildings with a very small game window
  • Fixed a very rare crash that could occur when trying to load game databases at startup
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes connecting a power wire would not update power network status until a nearby building or element changed
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a DIG errand remained on a tile that no longer held a diggable element or plant (for example, from an element phase change)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a plant uprooted itself while it was actively being harvested
  • Fixed a couple of small rendering memory leaks from particles and mass packets

Files 175 MB
34 days ago 176 MB
34 days ago

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